Sunday, April 24, 2011

The San Diego Skyline

For all those who are wondering where we are, and why our position hasn't yet been updated... we have not yet left San Diego Bay.  Apparently, we are not alone in our completely unrealistic estimation of our departure date.  One of our neighbors explained to us the other day that it took them a month to leave the mooring area when they left last year for the Marquesas Islands.  They thought about renaming their boat "Manana" because they kept put off leaving just another day for so long.  But, they left during the last week in April, and I guess we will too.  We are so close to being ready... Most of our latest list items are crossed off.  We'll probably leave tomorrow...  And, I'll send out a celebratory blog post as we are leaving the San Diego skyline behind us!   Thanks for all of your good wishes and support!