Tuesday, June 22, 2010

... But San Diego is a great place to live, right?

Wrong. It's a fine place to visit. We have lived in our lovely saiboat "Columbine" (more on the name later) in San Diego Bay since 2002. On the whole, I am entirely unimpressed with "America's Finest City." Honestly, how full of yourself can you get? Desert-clime San Diego leaches its water from... well, anywhere that will give it water for cheap. The plants are almost entirely non-native and require enormous amounts of the also non-native water resource. I really have thought "I'll die on the freeway today" from all the truly insane San Diego drivers on the freeways. I hate to admit that I may have become one of them. San Diego and its culture of self-absorbed materialism has a way of permeating your very soul.