Thursday, September 1, 2011

Contest - Win a Trip to Disneyland!

Here's the deal. In the last post I explained how to calculate distance based on our latitude and longitude. I also explained about nautical miles and knots. Based on this information, if you can calculate our time of crossing the equator the closest, you can win a trip to Disneyland.

Fine Print: You, the winner, are responsible for travel, lodging, entertainment, and park entry expenses. Well, actually you have to pay for everything - we are but poor cruisers. We can't pay for anything. But you can revel in the satisfaction of having won. So maybe the subject line should have read "Contest - Win Permission to Treat Yourself to a Trip to Disneyland." But that's just semantics, right?

Anyway, our current position data is:
Time: 6:33pm
Latitude: 02deg 22.1S
Longitude: 147deg 51.5W
COG: 025T
SOG: 5.0kts

Tips: The wind speed and direction are predicted to remain about the same for the next day or so, so our speed and course should be fairly constant. Right now it looks like we will cross at 147deg.

Now go burn up those calculators!

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